Title: | Hydrological Reference Fabric Tools |
Description: | Development tools and `targets` pipeline for generating a national hydrological geospatial reference fabric. |
Authors: | Mike Johnson [aut] , Justin Singh-Mohudpur [cre] |
Maintainer: | Justin Singh-Mohudpur <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>= 3) |
Version: | |
Built: | 2024-12-19 22:20:50 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/lynker-spatial/reference.fabric |
Make Reference Fabric
... |
Additional arguments passed to tar_make. |
Processes burn line events according to step 4.3.1
rf.targets.burnline_events(nhd_gdb, rf_vaa, dir_data)
rf.targets.burnline_events(nhd_gdb, rf_vaa, dir_data)
nhd_gdb |
Path to NHDPlus Seamless GeoDatabase |
rf_vaa |
NHD Value-added attributes table |
dir_data |
Data output directory |
Path to outputted burn line events file for CONUS
Processes catchments according to steps 4.2.1 - 4.2.3.
rf.targets.clean_catchment(cat_info, simplify_keep = 0.2)
rf.targets.clean_catchment(cat_info, simplify_keep = 0.2)
cat_info |
simplify_keep |
Tolerance value for weighted Visvalingam simplification |
Path to cleaned catchment output (cat_info$outfile
Processes flowlines according to step 4.3.2
rf.targets.clean_flowlines( flowlines_path, rf_cat_paths, rf_ble_path, rf_vaa, rf_enhd, dir_cleaned )
rf.targets.clean_flowlines( flowlines_path, rf_cat_paths, rf_ble_path, rf_vaa, rf_enhd, dir_cleaned )
flowlines_path |
Path to NHD flowlines file |
rf_cat_paths |
Path to reference catchment outputs |
rf_ble_path |
Path to CONUS burn line events file |
rf_vaa |
NHDPlus-VAA table |
rf_enhd |
E2NHDPlus River Attributes table |
dir_cleaned |
Cleaned output directory |
Path to cleaned flowlines
Processes waterbodies according to steps 4.1.1 - 4.1.6.
rf.targets.clean_waterbodies(waterbodies_path, dir_cleaned)
rf.targets.clean_waterbodies(waterbodies_path, dir_cleaned)
waterbodies_path |
Path to unmodified NHDWaterbody file |
dir_cleaned |
Directory to output cleaned waterbody geometry |
Path to cleaned waterbodies
Processes VPU rectification of cleaned catchments according to step 4.2.4.
rf.targets.rectify_catchment_borders( cat_cleaned_paths, vpu_topology, dir_reference )
rf.targets.rectify_catchment_borders( cat_cleaned_paths, vpu_topology, dir_reference )
cat_cleaned_paths |
Paths to cleaned catchment files |
vpu_topology |
dir_reference |
Output directory for reference features |
List of catchment output paths
This process is highly data-dependent, so we must process it sequentially.
Processes remaining catchment steps according to step 4.2.5.
rf_cat_path |
Path to VPU-rectified catchment |
Path to outputted reference catchment
Snap to underlying grid with size of .0009?
Processes flowlines according to step 4.3.3
rf.targets.reference_flowlines(nhd, vpu, rf_enhd_comid, dir_reference)
rf.targets.reference_flowlines(nhd, vpu, rf_enhd_comid, dir_reference)
nhd |
Path to cleaned flowlines |
vpu |
Current VPU for |
rf_enhd_comid |
COMIDs with E2NHDPlus river attributes |
dir_reference |
Reference output directory |
Path to reference flowlines
Processes cleaned waterbodies according to steps 4.1.7 - 4.1.9.
rf.targets.reference_waterbodies(wb_clean, wb_vpu, wb_reference_dir)
rf.targets.reference_waterbodies(wb_clean, wb_vpu, wb_reference_dir)
wb_clean |
Path to cleaned waterbodies file |
wb_vpu |
The corresponding VPU of |
wb_reference_dir |
Directory to output reference waterbodies |
Path to reference waterbodies
On/off network waterbodies based on NHD flowlines?