Catalog Schema

Name Description
id The primary resource name or catalog of data assets
asset The subdatasets or assets in the collection
URL The asset URL
type The data format reached by URL (e.g. vrt, opendap)
varname The filename, band name, or dap varname
variable General high order variable type
description Long form description of asset
units The units of the values in the asset
model The name of the model generating data in asset
ensemble model ensemble member of asset
scenario The model scenario of asset
duration Time range of asset represented as {start}/{end}
interval A numeric stride with a unit
Tname The name of the time dimension
nT The number of time layers in the model
X1 The first value in the X coordinate array, typically Xmin
Xn The last value in the X coordinate array, typically Xmax
Y1 The first value in the Y coordinate array, typically Ymin
Yn The last value in the Y coordinate array, typically Ymax
Xname The name of the X dimension
Yname The name of the Y dimension
Xres The resolution of the data in the X direction
Yres The resolution of the data in the Y direction
ncols The number of values in the X direction
nrows The number of grid cells in the Y direction
crs The coordinate reference system expressed as PROJ4 string
toptobottom arrangement of the unfolded data array
tiled is data tiled spatially (XY), temporally (T), or not (NA)
dimorder order of data diminisons (e.g. XYZT)